Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Subjects This Semester 2…

Assalamuaikum…hi everyone. For this last entry I would like to share to all of you about my subject. After I finish all the syllabus, here I want to make summary what I have learn in class. Time passing so past, our final exam is around the corner. I have to work more hard to make sure that I could do well in this semester final exam.

1.BEL 311
For Bel 311 subject, Sir Izuan always teaches us how to make a good essay for term paper. Now I realize that actually sir Izuan not really hot tempered person, but sometimes he will angry when we not satisfied of what he want. I know that he fierce because he doesn’t want other person do as they like and also to respect toward him. Every week we should practice speaking to improve the way we speak. Sometimes I afraid to speak because know that I not good in English but I try my best. I like the way of sir Izuan teach us, we will go for speaking 2 week from now and I hope that I could do well. In order to make sure we can do well in final, sir Izuan give us with the essay question. From there, we can know where the wrong part we have done.

2.FIN 262
For this subject, our lecturer madam Saliza has finished the syllabus. I like the way madam teach us. I easy to understand but I know finance subject is hard. I still don’t satisfy with my mark from test 1 because I don’t get A for this subject, I don’t achieve my target for the test 1. This subject require student to make a lots of practice because it is the calculation and there also have some theory that we have to remember. Although I feel like this subject easy, I still don’t perform well in my test and quiz, maybe I careless and don’t remember the formula. I hope that I can do better for test 2 which will come in next week and the most important this semester final exam.

3.QMT 216
Prof. Ruhana has taught us well in this statistic subject. I found that she has a lot of knowledge not only in education but also in religion part. She always advice us to be a good student and the most thing is to faithful to Allah. PM teach us in the simple way so that we can easy to understand, but sometimes I can’t understand well because she teach fast. She also very kind person as sometimes she will give something to us such as chocolate, sweet and others. For test 1, I quite satisfy with my mark but I have to work hard to make sure I can do better and improve in final that will come soon. PM also will give us quiz every time we have finished each chapter to see whether students understand or not what he has taught.

4.CTU 241
All students compulsory to take CTU subject from part 1 to 3, which means this semester is the last for me to take this subject. For CTU subject, I like to look Ustazah Siti Aisyah because she cute person and not fierce. I like to come to his class and don’t stress when learn in her class. Ustazah also have lots of information about religion. She always advises us to be a good Muslim and Muslimah. She also will give us enough time to complete our assignment. For presentation CTU I am the same group with Ramizah and Syahirah, we present in form of conference. For test CTU, we still don’t get the mark, I hope that I will get high mark and can perform well in final exam for this semester.

5.ECO 211
Until now I am satisfy with my performance in this subject. Sometimes I feel funny of the way of miss Diyana teach us because sometimes she speaks in ‘loghat Kelantan’. May be because she is new lecturer, she sometimes forget something when student asking. Miss Diyana also will ask me whether I am shiver or not when she asking me. For test 1, I am only got 80 marks. I don’t satisfy because I target to get more but I grateful because can get A for test 1 and for test 2 I feel it quite difficult. In this subject student should know and alert with the economy of our country. I know that we as student should not only study but also need to know country news.

I interested to learn mandarin subject because it is new for me. We have to open our mind and don’t want to accept of any changes. I take this subject as now almost employer requires the employee that knows to speak in third language. So, it is the advantage if we take mandarin language rather than Arabic language that I has take when in school. I feel happy to learn in the class teach by laoshi Lim because he is a funny person. Although he is different race with us but he is kind to us. Now I know how to speak number, days, and others in mandarin language such as yi(1), er(2), san(3), si(4), xingqitian ( sunday), xingxiyi (monday), and xingxisan (wednesday)

For bpc subject, I learn how to handle patient. We should have the feeling to help each other not only in easy times but also difficult times. We are taught how to check blood pressure, pulse, body temperature. Besides that we also have practical after Mr. Halim teach us. He will show us the right way to take care and handle especially for patience that cannot move or paralyze.
I hope that you all enjoy read my last entry for this semester. And the most important I wish good luck for final exam. Hopefully we will get result with flying colors. bye2..Assalamualaikum…